Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Q & A time!!!

Go to the page and answer, or answer it here in the comments section.

Would you stay with your husband if you caught him cheating on you?

A blog post RE: cheating to come later today!


annie said...

That's a tough one to answer. Would depend on the reasons behind it and the communication after it.

Anonymous said...

hmm... that is a tough question. I would have to say no that would be an ultimate betrayal to our marriage and it is something that I don't care who you are, you will never get over....bug is planted and will always have you wondering.

The Bipolar Diva said...

I'd stay. I'd be of the opinion that I would have to take my fair share of blame in the situation.

Abby said...

Yeah but Bipolar Diva, sometimes it's not a blame situation. Sometimes the only blame you can take is marrying a prick. Maybe I just see it this way because I have never been in that situation. None of my boyfriends ever cheated on me (that I know of) and my husband is like the most uber faithful guy in the world.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't stay in a relationship with someone who cheated on me. By staying you are telling them what they did was ok and basically saying "Hi, I have no self worth or esteem and I don't matter so please feel free to do whatever makes you happy whenever you want without a second thought about me." If you love someone you respect them and cheating is the opposite of showing respect.