Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's all about ME ME ME!!

YAY!  It's my birthday today!!!
I'm not one of those people who gets all bummed and "wahhhh, I'm older!"  I love birthdays!!
I love looking back at what I have accomplished, what has changed in a year, and looking forward to what is coming.

So while my spaghetti breakfast cooks (Yes, I said Spaghetti Breakfast!) I will reflect here and then look forward with all of you.

I was born in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, Indiana to the best parents in the world.

I have this sister.  I'd love to smack her head against a wall and knock some sense into her...but I love her none the less.

We moved to the Windy City when I was 5.  And NO, for those of you who need to be schooled-it's not called that because of the weather...although it can be quite blustery!

I got into photography in 1st grade.
I saved my sister from drowning in this very pool when I was only 6.

I have been eaten by dinosaurs.

I have played piano concerts, and contests, and won trophies at a very young age.  (Ok, not quite this young)

I met the love of my life when I was many people can say that and mean it?

I have been eaten by Pumpkins.

I have traveled all over the US, Canada, and have been to parts of Africa.

I survived college...and at an art school to boot!

I have worked as a cashier, a waitress, a photo lab bitch...eventually promoted to photo lab manager, a stocker, a horse trainer, a mechanic (sort of), a "loss prevention specialist (it was my job to bust shop lifters...awesome job!), a pool supply sales account manager, a tanning salon bitch eventually promoted to tanning salon manager-honestly no better than being the bitch, a bartender, a "beer specialist" (glorified bartender at a small brewery - yeah that lasted about 10 hours), a pet specialist (glorified person who digs dead goldfish out of aquariums at Petsmart...that lasted until they told me to stick my hand in the thing of live less than 10 hours), office manager, dispatcher, babysitter to a handful of 30+ ex cons, photographer, and now hold down my proudest job...Mama.

I have been blonde, brunette, red, and some colors that I'm not entirely sure have names.

I have married the man of my dreams. 

I have been eaten by lions.

I have become a mother to 3 overnight. 

I have embraced the simple yet slightly redneck life.
Yes...that's my husband riding a Kitty Kat (children's size snow-mobile) and pulling a sled behind it.  On a street.  In town.  

I have almost been eaten by deer.

I have been loved and spoiled and treated like a queen

I have snuck behind military blockades

I have documented the struggle and rebirth of communities.

I have published a book and given back to the communities.

I gave birth (well I laid there while they pulled him out of my technically I think my doc and nurse Jacquie gave birth...but whatever...I take credit!) to the most amazing little person in the world.

I have done more and seen more than a lot of people my age can say they have.  I look back with no regret and look forward with excitement!  Bring on 31!  I'm ready for it!


Overthinking Mama said...

an amazing life!

happy birthday!

The Drama Mama said...

Happy Birthday. You've had a pretty incredible life. I hope the rest of your life is just as adventurous.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! You've been on an awesome journey!

And I laughed out loud at the Petsmart remark, I'm a dog groomer and have worked in the salon there the last 3 years. When someone asked me to get crickets once...I said HELL NO!


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed looking back with you. Great pictures and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Hey stop letting things eat you...smiles.

Jessica Warrick said...

Hey check out my site in a little while for a award for you.