In honor of my 31st, my hubs and I spent part of the evening (post kids in bed) going through boxes of old photos. My facebook friends all hate me right now...Oh one is exempt from embarrassing picture posting!
Let me just say, I was a spoiled little thing. Shopping sprees at Saks Fifth Ave twice a year, Daddy rarely said no. Mom read and still reads Vogue, Bazarr, etc religiously. We were always dressed in whatever the hottest trends were at the time.
Looking back...I'm not so sure that was a good thing! Don't take that as me bragging, just wanted to set up for the embarrassment that is to follow...honestly...these were the hot styles at the time!!!
This will be a fun one for those of you around the same age or a little older than me. Walk with me as we look at high fashion through the last 31 years!
In the early days...very early 80's, it was all about the terry cloth! Not only was it comfy, it was functional-no need to have a towel ever! Just use your clothes! And of course-you had to have the ringer tee-no outfit was complete without those lovely other colored cuffs on the t-sleeves! (Awww, isnt my chunky sister cute in her diaper!)
Lets face it. Mom's have a style all their own. I DESPISE turtle necks to this day. The stripes aren't bad but check out that shag carpet I'm leaning on! WOW!
In case you weren't aware...Little House on The Prairie was all the rage!!! This pinafore dress is so Laura Engles Wilder it's not even funny! Look at that precious smile! Don't let it fool you...I'm pure evil!
AH THE BIRTH OF THE BUNNY EARS!!! My sister, so oblivious! Look at my shorts! Could they get any closer to my rib cage?
And the lake! How I loved the lake. And the lake loved my matching shorts and button down shirt with the pseudo Hawaiian pink and white print. No look is complete without a pair of white Keds!
I am going to preface this one by pointing out that we were at camp. Not exactly the place for Sunday bests. That being said, although I would have argued it back then, I am by far the dorkiest. I will admit that Ingrid's green on green sweat suit is fabulous, but take a good look at me (2nd from the right).
For starters-holy spiral perm!! And my glasses...Good God! If those got any bigger Harry Caray would be jealous! You can't miss my bright blue sweat pants. And the piece de resistance...the lime green fanny pack!!! OH YEAH BABY!!! The boys are gonna be banging on my door!
I don't even know where to start with this.
This was taken at the Welcome Home parade for the soldiers who fought in the Gulf War.
Again...glasses that Harry Caray would love to call his own. Actually...these look like they just might be his!
That shirt, if you can't tell from the pic, is the ULTIMATE in patriotism. Not only is it a flag, it is made 100% out of sequins! That's right folks, SEQUINS!
Again note the lime green fanny pack (and my sister wearing her pink one...which might I add, she not only still owns but wore this past summer when we were on vacation in Disney! Yeah...DORK!)
Last but not least, in true Mid-80's fashion...the shiny black vinyl bomber jacket! This one says "Copeland Dance Academy" on the back. Because I'm cool like that.
Nothing says Merry Christmas like a bumble bee block sweater!
This is one of my favorites. Aside from the fact that I (far left) am wearing Mom jeans (above the belly button...which mind you, as a MOM I do NOT wear) I have the long blazer on. COME ON! Who didn't own a long blazer and wear it with jeans! The only thing cooler than this was the early 90's when we all wore button downs with men's ties! That's right Avril, we were doing it WAY before you...and its still not cool.

Now we've graduated to high school. Freshman homecoming! I had 2 dates. Yup. 2.
And who can blame them-hello little black dress!
Sophomore year I had to kick it up a notch. I was after the man of my dreams and the girl to the left was his girlfriend. I had my dress 1st!!! She copied me. Rightfully so, I mean, I was smokin!
As you can see, I was thrilled to be there. And yes...all the guys were wearing purple! PURPLE! Ah, Prince (or the artist formerly known as...) would have been soooooooo proud!
Don't worry ladies! I got the guy! The following year this was our Jr. Prom pic. I was fantastic in my red satin dress...with crutches, and a big ass brace on my right ankle. Oh yeah.
Sr. Year. Embrace the hippier side of life. Bell bottoms were back in style and that adorable flowered tank, formerly a dress, had a run in with my scissors.
Bring on the college years! Jeans & t shirts all the way baby!
There was always the end of college, don't want to grow up quite yet, but have to look like an adult age. A nice jean shirt, cute tank, perfect accessories...matched with twisted back and spiked up hair! REBEL AGAINST BEING GROWN UP!
The bar days! Back to the 70's style tight baby doll t-shirts. The only problem was the big ol' boobs! Always packed into the t-shirt like a fat man in a Honda. Note-I loved my hair like this!
1st year in my house. Halloween party. I was uhm...I don't know. But the kiddos insisted my hair be sprayed colors just like theirs. I love that its all over my arms too!

The wedding! A moment of simplicity and grace...and then THOSE BOOTS!
This past year. Just about to hit the big 30 and I refused to conform. Why should I? Life is too short to spend it as a sheep. Perhaps I will go blue this summer.
Today. Well, not TODAY today but within the last 2 months.
My new favorite accessory is my Moose.
He matches everything. While a bit more cumbersome to wear than some accessories, he is by far the most complimented accessory I own. Back to the days of Jeans and comfy shirts, anything that doesn't stain, and won't cause a Tara Reid moment.
So that's my flash back in a nut shell. Short sweet and to the stitches. Makes ya wonder what we were thinking! Makes you wonder what's yet to come!
This is great!!
i love looking at old pics! and looking back and realizing how dorky i really was!!
love the last two pic!!
ps. thank you for the award!! i plan on doing that on monday! :-)
have a great weekend!
Hi! I love your blog, it's my first time here. I found you on FF. I'm a follower now!
I really like this post and the pics!
I be back for sure. :)
Wow, that was quite a journey down memory lane. Loved, loved seeing all the pics of you. So glad you invited me over.
Love it!!! What a blast through the past that was.
That was fun from the turtle neck, to the big eye glasses, to the hot slit red dress! And you go with the wedding dress, I loved it. A true rebel. But your baby has such wise old eyes. I'm assuming "Moose" is a boy? Well he's a beautiful boy. You've done it you way and good for you. We have enough sheep in the world. Thanks for sharing.
you never had fan bangs though? FAN. BANGS. like you lay upside down in front of a fan armed only with a flannel and a can of aquanet until your bangs are so high they pierce the ozone.
I tried to have those-I never could make it work though.
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