So I go grocery shopping today. Nothing big, but we were out of diapers and decided a 'junk food movie party' was in order this evening...can we just say, I blew my diet in one meal!
I get a text from my hubby that I left just in time. Code Brown!
Fast forward a few hours, grocery shopping done, dinner & movie in progress...we have another code brown (thank you sweet potatoes). I took the little man to his room and changed him. About half way through changing him, I start sniffing. I don't mean sniff sniff...I mean walking around the room all OCD sniffing everywhere trying to figure out where this horrible smell is coming from. Then suddenly I could taste it...LYSOL! *hiss & shy away from the smell* I yell for my hubby...ask if he sprayed something in the room...he said no. I continue to sniff...and sniff...and sniff...and finally realize my face is inches away from "boy parts" and the smell is insanely strong.
I take the boy, donning a onesie and diaper only out to the family room and say "Dude...its his nutssssssssss! Did you put something on his nuts?!?" You would have thought I had 3 heads!! Then he says "No, but I sprayed the changing pad with Lysol after his code brown."
Forget the why. I don't know why. I'm fairly certain he explained it but I was already on my way to the nursery to get the baby bath tub. I could smell the Lysol all over the baby who had just been laying on the tainted changing pad. Pad cover=washing
So Lysol smell gone...fresh clean baby with a super cute mohawk sitting by my side and half the movie over...I decided to blog rather than try to catch up on humans/aliens and some planet called 51.
I can still taste the Lysol. I think I need to bathe my mouth.
1 comment:
I hate Lysol. It's awful. It is even worse as a substitute for baby lotion.
Thanks for dropping by!
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